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NetraKumbh-2025 in Prayagraj
Nayonika Eye Care Charitable Trust is graciously blessed to be part of NetraKumbh-2025 in Prayagraj.

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Nayonika Child Vision to African and West Indies countries in synergy with Toronto - Indian Diaspora

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Free Eye Camp in Ayodhya
Nayonika Eye Care Charitable trust had astounding and stunning experience conducting Free Eye Camp in Ayodhya for Sadhus and Penurious.

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Nayonika Makala Netra
Free Eye health for underprivileged children
( Kanyakumari to Kashmir )
( Kanyakumari to Kashmir )

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Cataract constitutes to 66.7% of Avoidable Blindness

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Refractive Errors constitutes to 19.9% of Avoidable Blindness

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Your Good Vision is Our Mission